This site has been designed to be easy to use and accessible for everyone.


This site has been designed to meet Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) Content Accessibility Guidelines set by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). We aim to ensure the site conforms to ‘Double-A’ standards wherever possible.

If you find any part of the site difficult to use, please email us at

Colour contrast

The text colour and the background colour have been accessibility checked to determine if they provide enough of a contrast when viewed by someone having color deficits or when viewed on a black and white screen.

Recommended browsers

Here are some useful resources that will enable you to alter the appearance of this site to fit your requirements:

Reading PDFs (Portable Document Files)

To read PDFs you need to have Adobe Reader installed on your computer. Most computers will already have this but if not you can download it free of charge from the Adobe site.